
Thursday 16 April 2009

When did your driving life change?

Do you remember taking your first driving lesson, if this was a family member it was no doubt followed by an argument and you storming up to your bedroom. Whoever allowed you to sit behind the wheel for the first time, probably introduced you to the most stressful experience in your life up to that point. You sat in the seat trying to remember 'Mirror, signal, maneuver' and look down at the gear stick with confusion and then you stalled. Now you sit behind the wheel and automatically know what to do, making many journeys on auto pilot.

Your first car may have been one you shared with another family member, I was put on my Mums insurance and therefore drove round in a Fiesta with cushions in the back and a Barry Manilow tape in the stereo (little has changed!). You then graduate to buying your first car, which most choose for aesthetics or fashion. You certainly didn't want a car which would ruin your street cred.

So how do you choose a car today? Has aesthetics gone off your list completely, or are you now trying to marry that up with boot space for a push chair or the family pet. When did everything change, how did you progress to an MPV or a 4x4. Do you choose to add extras to your car, at one time this may have been certain wheel trims, and now its a fancy cup holder or a magic tree. More 'Family Car' than 'Pimp my ride'.
Luke Carter


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